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    Please provide us with your PayPal payment reference. This can be found in your receipt from PayPal. Alternatively, it can be found in your PayPal account.

    Listing Details

    Please provide a title for your listing. For example "Win a 3 night short break to Paris" or "Claim a free chocolate bar". This will be the heading of your listing.

    Please list or describe the categories that best fits your listing. You may add your listing in up to 3 categories.

    Please provide a description of the listing you are submitting. Describe how users can enter the competition or how they can claim the freebie. If you are providing a listing on behalf of a company, please provide a short paragraph about the organisation. Include as much detail as possible.

    Please enter the URL in which the competition or freebie can be found.

    Please enter the date in which this listing starts or has started.

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